12 Red Roses (Valentine’s day)


Bouquet of 12 premium red roses from Florist-Bangkok. Probably the most popular bouquet for Valentine’s Day, because 12 red roses in the language of flowers mean “I love you.” To create this bouquet of love, our florist will add white gypsophila flowers or statice twigs to 12 fresh premium roses, which will make this bouquet more voluminous and bright. The price of the bouquet includes 12 large imported roses, a green filler, a gift wrap with a bright ribbon and a greeting card with your message for your loved one. Flower delivery in Bangkok and neighboring provinces from February 11 to February 16 (please indicate the correct delivery date in the calendar below).

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Make your Valentine’s Day unforgettable with the timeless elegance of our Bouquet of 12 Premium Red Roses from Florist-Bangkok. Crafted to convey the deepest emotions of love and affection, this exquisite bouquet is a classic symbol of devotion and passion. At the heart of this enchanting arrangement are twelve fresh, premium red roses, meticulously selected for their rich color and velvety petals. Each rose speaks volumes, expressing the timeless message of “I love you” in the language of flowers, making it the perfect gesture to sweep your beloved off their feet.

To enhance the allure of this romantic bouquet, our skilled florists artfully incorporate delicate white gypsophila flowers or statice twigs, adding a touch of whimsy and charm. These accents not only complement the deep crimson hue of the roses but also lend a sense of airiness and grace to the arrangement, creating a captivating visual spectacle that will leave a lasting impression. Every detail is meticulously curated to ensure an unforgettable gifting experience. The bouquet is elegantly presented in a lush green filler and carefully wrapped in luxurious gift wrap, accented with a vibrant ribbon that exudes sophistication and style. Additionally, a special greeting card is included, allowing you to convey your heartfelt message to your special someone in words as beautiful as the blooms themselves.

Whether you’re celebrating a milestone anniversary, declaring your love on Valentine’s Day, or simply expressing your affection just because, our Bouquet of 12 Premium Red Roses is the ultimate expression of romance and adoration. With our reliable flower delivery service in Bangkok and neighboring provinces, you can rest assured that your gesture of love will be delivered promptly and with the utmost care, ensuring that your loved one feels cherished and appreciated on this special occasion. Embrace the power of flowers to convey your deepest emotions and create cherished memories that will be treasured for a lifetime. Order your Bouquet of 12 Premium Red Roses today and let love blossom in all its splendor.


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