7 Hot Pink Roses


7 hot pink roses from Florist-Bangkok. This is a small but very bright bouquet of premium roses that you can give for any occasion. A bouquet of 7 hot pink roses is able to show your warm feelings, great respect and your gratitude. Therefore, you can give this emotional bouquet not only to your loved one, but also to friends, relatives, boss or colleagues. To make a bouquet of 7 bright pink roses more voluminous and contrasting, our florists will add seasonal green filling to it. In addition, the bouquet will be decorated with a colored gift film or gift paper in light shades.

Large premium roses;

Same day delivery (after paying before noon);

Сard with your words (for free).


7 hot pink roses from Florist-Bangkok. This is an inexpensive but very bright bouquet of premium roses that you can give for any occasion. A bouquet of 7 hot pink roses is able to show your warm feelings, great respect and your gratitude. Therefore, you can give this emotional bouquet not only to your loved one, but also to friends, relatives, boss or colleagues. To make a bouquet of 7 bright pink roses more voluminous and contrasting, our florists will add seasonal green filling to it. In addition, the bouquet will be decorated with a colored gift film or gift paper in light shades. Flower delivery is possible on the same day when ordering and paying until noon. We provide fast delivery in Bangkok and flower delivery to 3 neighboring provinces at the lowest price. Also, the price of the bouquet of 7 hot pink roses includes a small card with your words and your name. The length of hot pink roses (about 70 cm) will be slightly reduced when arranging the bouquet.


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