25 White and Pink Roses
A large bouquet of 25 roses from Florist-Bangkok. White and pink roses in one bouquet are a very delicate combination. Such a bouquet is a great way to tell about your warm and tender feelings for the recipient, to demonstrate your care and respect. Our florists use premium white and pink roses that feature long stems, large buds and a light natural scent. A bouquet of 25 pink and white roses will be decorated with special craft paper and light-color ribbon. Also, seasonal green filler will be added to the bouquet, which will make the bouquet even more voluminous and festive.
❀ Large premium roses;
❀ Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
❀ Greeting card with your message (for free).
A large bouquet of 25 roses from Florist-Bangkok. White and pink roses in one bouquet are a very delicate combination. Such a bouquet is a great way to tell about your warm and tender feelings for the recipient, to demonstrate your care and respect. A bouquet of 25 pink and white roses is often given to young girls and women as a birthday present, on the anniversary of their acquaintance or wedding. Also, such a bouquet will be a good gift for a sister, mother or friend for any reason. Our florists use premium white and pink roses that feature long stems, large buds and a light natural scent. A bouquet of 25 pink and white roses will be decorated with special craft paper and light-color ribbon. Also, seasonal green filler will be added to the bouquet, which will make the bouquet even more voluminous and festive. At your request, we will add a small greeting card with your message to the recipient for free. Same day flower delivery in Bangkok from Florist-Bangkok is possible if paid before 2 pm.
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