30 Red Roses in Red
Gorgeous bouquet of 30 red roses from Florist-Bangkok. A large bouquet will show your ardent passion and fiery love, because red roses are a well-known symbol of love throughout the world. Such a bouquet will be a bright gift, regardless of the occasion. Our florists use premium imported roses as well as a red wrapper to make this bouquet even more vibrant. The price also includes a greeting card with your message to the recipient and seasonal green filler.
❀ Large premium roses;
❀ Same day delivery (after paying before 3 pm);
❀ Greeting card with your message (for free).
When we think of a bouquet for our girlfriend or wife, we most often imagine big red roses. It is these roses that our phorists use to create a bouquet of 30 red roses in a red gift wrap. A seasonal green filler will be added to the bouquet (statice, round leaves of eucalyptus or gypsophila) and this will make the bouquet even larger and more voluminous. If you want to order a vase for the convenience of the recipient of the bouquet, you can contact our managers and we will deliver such a bouquet directly in a glass vase (the cost of the vase is not included in the price of the bouquet). You can leave your message for your loved one on the checkout page. Same day delivery available from our flower shop in Bangkok when ordering flowers before 3pm.
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