50 White Roses bouquet


A large bouquet of 50 premium white roses from Florist-Bangkok. White roses are a symbol of pure love, tenderness and sincere gratitude. This is a great bouquet for special occasions or special relationships. When creating this bouquet, our florists use premium roses with large buds and long stems, so a bouquet of 50 white roses always looks very solemn and expensive. A green seasonal filler or additional flowers (for example, gypsophila), which our florist will add to the bouquet, will add even more volume to this bouquet. Moreover, a bouquet of 50 white roses will be decorated with gift wrapping and a bright ribbon.

Large premium roses;

Same day delivery (after paying before  2 pm);

Greeting card with your message (for free).



A large bouquet of 50 premium white roses from Florist-Bangkok. White roses are a symbol of pure love, tenderness and sincere gratitude. This is a great bouquet for special occasions or special relationships. When creating this bouquet, our florists use premium roses with large buds and long stems, so a bouquet of 50 white roses always looks very solemn and expensive. A green seasonal filler or additional flowers (for example, gypsophila), which our florist will add to the bouquet, will add even more volume to this bouquet. Moreover, a bouquet of 50 white roses will be decorated with gift wrapping and a bright ribbon. If you order and pay for a bouquet before 2 pm, then flower delivery is possible on the same day in Bangkok and the nearest provinces. We remind you that the price of the bouquet includes the price of a small greeting card with your message to the recipient.


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