Bouquet of 3 sunflowers
This bouquet of 3 sunflowers will be a good choice when you want to remind someone of yourself and give a little joy to the recipient of the bouquet. Depending on the season, the color of sunflowers can be from bright yellow to yellow-orange. Each bouquet includes a small greeting card with your message and name.
This bouquet of 3 sunflowers will be a good choice when you want to remind someone of yourself and give a little joy to the recipient of the bouquet. Sunflowers are very positive flowers as they resemble little bright suns. As a rule, we use special craft paper to wrap the sunflowers and add a little green filler that goes well with these large flowers. Depending on the season, the color of sunflowers can be from bright yellow to yellow-orange. Each bouquet includes a small greeting card with your message and name. Delivery in Bangkok on the same day is possible if the order is paid before 2 pm.
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