Melody of Love bouquet (XXL)


Melody of Love bouquet from Florist-Bangkok. This stunning bouquet is a true masterpiece, designed with 25 grand pink roses imported from the lush highlands of Ecuador. Known for their exceptional size and beauty, these roses feature notably larger buds and long stems. The bouquet’s impressive dimensions are showcased in the additional images in our product gallery. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in premium paper and comes with a branded greeting card for your personalized message in any language. Delivery is available throughout Bangkokб suburbs and some provinces nearby Bangkok. Please placing an order for the Melody of Love bouquet XXL at least a day in advance to ensure we can source these rare and exquisite roses.


Discover the luxurious charm of the Melody of Love bouquet XXL from Florist-Bangkok. This arrangement features 25 magnificent pink roses, each carefully selected from Ecuador’s fertile highlands. Ecuadorian roses are renowned for their vibrant colors and large, enduring blooms, making them a prestigious gift in Thailand. Their extraordinary size and long stems, which measure approximately 80 cm after trimming, make a striking impression.

In Bangkok, gifting a large bouquet of pink roses is ideal for significant events such as anniversaries, grand celebrations, or to express profound emotions. These roses are also a perfect choice for Mother’s Day in Thailand, conveying deep love and gratitude, and make a splendid wedding gift, symbolizing romance and prosperity. Due to the exclusivity and limited availability of these roses, we recommend ordering the bouquet well in advance to ensure we can procure these premium blooms.

To elevate your gift, you can add a box of premium Ferrero Rocher chocolates, creating a truly unforgettable present. Trust Florist-Bangkok for reliable flower delivery Bangkok and make any occasion special with this extraordinary bouquet.


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