12 Hot Pink Roses Bouquet
12 bright pink roses from Florist-Bangkok. This is a very bright and emotional bouquet of premium roses, which you can give for any reason. A bouquet of 12 bright pink roses will show your sincere feelings, passion and respect, as well as your gratitude and appreciation. Therefore, you can give such a bouquet not only to your loved one, but also to friends, colleagues and relatives. To make a bouquet of 12 roses brighter and more contrasting, our florists will add seasonal green filling, and the brightness of the bouquet will be emphasized using special gift wrap or light-colored paper.
❀ Large premium roses;
❀ Same day delivery (after paying before noon);
❀ Сard with your words (for free).
12 bright pink roses from Florist-Bangkok. This is a very bright and emotional bouquet of premium roses, which you can give for any reason. A bouquet of 12 bright pink roses will show your sincere feelings, passion and respect, as well as your gratitude and appreciation. Therefore, you can give such a bouquet not only to your loved one, but also to friends, colleagues and relatives. To make a bouquet of 12 roses brighter and more contrasting, our florists will add seasonal green filling, and the brightness of the bouquet will be emphasized using special gift wrap or light-colored paper. Flower delivery is possible on the same day when ordering and paying until noon. We provide fast delivery in Bangkok City and flower delivery to 3 neighboring provinces. Also, the price of the bouquet of 12 bright pink roses includes a small card with your words and your name. The length of hot pink roses (about 70 cm) will be slightly reduced when arranging the bouquet.
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