10 Red Gerberas Bouquet
11 large red gerberas from Florist-Bangkok. This bouquet consists of 11 fresh red flowers. All gerberas are traditionally a symbol of the joy of happiness. But it is red gerberas that have an additional meaning – love. Therefore, it is customary to give bouquets of red gerberas to a loved one. In other words, red gerberas have much in common with red roses. At your request, we can replace part of the red gerberas with red roses without changing the price of the bouquet. A bouquet of 11 gerberas will be wrapped in a light gift film or paper and decorated with a bright red ribbon.
❀ Large premium roses;
❀ Same day delivery (after paying before noon);
❀ Card with your words (for free).
10 large red gerberas from Florist-Bangkok. This bouquet consists of 11 fresh red flowers. All gerberas are traditionally a symbol of the joy of happiness. But it is red gerberas that have an additional meaning – love. Therefore, it is customary to give bouquets of red gerberas to a loved one. In other words, red gerberas have much in common with red roses. Therefore, these flowers combine perfectly in one bouquet and complement each other perfectly (at your request, we can replace part of the red gerberas with red roses without changing the price of the bouquet). A bouquet of 10 gerberas will be wrapped in a light gift film or paper and decorated with a bright red ribbon. Note: depending on the season, red gerberas may be with a dark or light center. Same day flower delivery is possible when ordering before noon. We provide fast shipping in Bangkok and flower delivery to 3 neighboring provinces at a minimum price. Also, the price of the bouquet includes a small card with your words and your name.
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