12 White Roses Bouquet
Delicate bouquet of 12 premium white Roses from Florist-Bangkok. These white roses are a symbol of pure love and gratitude. This is a medium-sized bouquet of delicate white roses in our flower shop. To create a bouquet, fresh roses with large white buds and long stems are used. In the process of creating a bouquet of 12 white roses, our experienced florists will add seasonal flowers and green filler. And the bouquet will be decorated with gift wrap and bright ribbon.
❀ Large premium roses;
❀ Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
❀ Greeting card with your message (for free).
Delicate bouquet of 12 premium white Roses from Florist-Bangkok. These white roses are a symbol of pure love and gratitude. This is a medium-sized bouquet of delicate white roses in our flower shop. To create a bouquet, fresh roses with large white buds and long stems are used. In the process of creating a bouquet of 12 white roses, our experienced florists will add seasonal flowers and green leaves. And the bouquet will be decorated with gift wrap and bright ribbon. Same day flower delivery is possible when ordering and paying before noon. Fast shipping in Bangkok City and flower delivery to 3 neighboring provinces. Also, the price of the bouquet includes a small card with your words and your name. The length of roses (70 cm) will be slightly reduced during the design of the bouquet.
Neuron –
Nice birthday present! I like it! She loves it!
Florist-Bangkok –
Thanks for your feedback, Mr. Neuron. We will be happy to deliver a new bouquet for your girl at any time!
Charles –
Thank you very much for the beautiful bouquet and for the freshness of the flowers. In fact, I had concerns that in such a hot climate, my girlfriend would receive a bouquet with lingering flowers 🙂
Florist-Bangkok –
Thanks for your feedback. We always use the freshest flowers and we know how to keep the bouquet fresh for a long time