7 Pink Roses Bouquet

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


Beautiful bouquet of 7 premium pink roses from Florist Bangkok. This beautiful bouquet will be a pleasant gift for anyone and tell you about your tender feelings. The bouquet includes 7 pink roses with large fresh buds and long stems, as well as seasonal green filling to give the bouquet more volume and brightness. A bouquet of 7 pink roses will be decorated with a colored gift wrap and a white or pink ribbon.

 Large premium roses;

 Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);

 Greeting card with your message (for free).


Beautiful bouquet of 7 premium pink roses from Florist Bangkok. This beautiful bouquet will be a pleasant gift for anyone and tell you about your tender feelings. The bouquet includes 7 pink roses with large fresh buds and long stems, as well as seasonal green filling to give the bouquet more volume and brightness. A bouquet of 7 pink roses will be decorated with a colored gift wrap and a white or pink ribbon. Flower delivery is possible on the same day when ordering and paying until noon. We provide fast delivery in Bangkok and flower delivery in 3 neighboring provinces at the lowest price. Also, the price of the bouquet includes a small card with your words and your name. The length of pink roses (70 cm) will be slightly reduced when arranging the bouquet.

1 review for 7 Pink Roses Bouquet

  1. 5 out of 5


    Beautiful and delicate bouquet, I recommend!

    • Florist-Bangkok

      Thanks! We always use the best roses for our bouquets!

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