50 Red Roses Bouquet
This large premium bouquet is from Florist Bangkok. A large bouquet will be a great gift for special occasions, as well as to demonstrate your serious intentions and most sincere feelings! To make a bouquet of 50 red roses, fresh roses with large buds and long stems are used. Traditionally, in such large bouquets, a minimum of green filler is added, because even without it the bouquet turns out to be large and looks gorgeous! A bouquet of 50 red roses will be decorated with a bright ribbon and a contrasting gift wrap.
❀ Large premium roses;
❀ Same day delivery (after paying before 3 pm);
❀ Greeting card with your message (for free).
This large premium bouquet is from Florist Bangkok. A large bouquet will be a great gift for special occasions, as well as to demonstrate your serious intentions and most sincere feelings! To make a bouquet of 50 red roses, fresh roses with large buds and long stems are used. Traditionally, in such large bouquets, a minimum of green filler is added, because even without it the bouquet turns out to be large and looks gorgeous! A bouquet of 50 red roses will be decorated with a bright ribbon and a contrasting gift wrap. Flower delivery is possible on the same day when ordering and paying until noon. We provide fast flower delivery to Bangkok and flower delivery in 3 neighboring provinces. Also, the price of the bouquet includes a small card with your words and your name. The length of pink roses (70 cm) will be slightly reduced when arranging the bouquet.
Luther –
Being 9000 kilometers from Bangkok, I ordered the delivery of this bouquet to my wife. As a result, I was very pleased with the Florist-Bangkok service and my wife was delighted to receive a gorgeous bouquet on our wedding anniversary. Thank you!
Florist-Bangkok –
Thank you very much for your feedback, Khun Luther! We are very glad that your lovely wife liked our bouquet and we will be happy to fulfill your new order at any time.