7 Yellow Roses
Beautiful bouquet of 7 premium yellow roses. The low price of this bouquet allows you to order it for delivery to your friends, relatives or colleagues. To make the bouquet of 7 yellow roses more festive, our florists use flowers with large flowers and long stems. And the additional volume of the bouquet is achieved due to the seasonal green filler. The cost of any bouquet in our flower shop includes a small card with your message and name.
Beautiful bouquet of 7 premium yellow roses. The low price of this bouquet allows you to order it for delivery to your friends, relatives or colleagues. First of all, yellow is the color of friendship and health. also a bouquet of 7 yellow roses will be an excellent gift for your boss, because another meaning of yellow flowers is a wish for success and wealth. To make the bouquet of 7 yellow roses more festive, our florists use flowers with large flowers and long stems. And the additional volume of the bouquet is achieved due to the seasonal green filler. The cost of any bouquet in our flower shop includes a small card with your message and name. Delivery of roses on the same day is possible if ordered and paid before 2 pm.
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