9 Orange Roses bouquet
Affordable and very bright bouquet of premium orange roses. This bouquet will be a nice gift for your wife or girlfriend. Also, orange roses can be presented to a man with whom you have a serious relationship. For this bouquet, our florists use premium orange roses with large buds and long stems. The bouquet will be supplemented with seasonal green filler. The cost of the bouquet includes a greeting card with your name and a message to the recipient.
Affordable and very bright bouquet of premium orange roses. This bouquet will be a nice gift for your wife or girlfriend. Also, orange roses can be presented to a man with whom you have a serious relationship. For this bouquet, our florists use premium orange roses with large buds and long stems. As a rule, orange roses work best with a light-color wrapper. The bouquet will be supplemented with seasonal green filler, which will make it more voluminous and beautiful. The cost of the bouquet includes a greeting card with your name and a message to the recipient. Delivery of a bouquet on the same day in Bangkok is possible if the order is paid before 2 pm.
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