Pure Love bouquet
A very delicate bouquet of blue hydrangea with the addition of 3 premium white roses. An excellent choice for a thank you bouquet, Mother’s Day in Thailand, or to show the sincerity and purity of your feelings and intentions. To create a Pure Love bouquet, the florists of our flower shop use fresh hydrangea (from deep blue to light blue). Traditionally, for a Pure Love bouquet, our florists use delicate shades of wrapper (blue, white, light gray or beige) and a white or blue ribbon with a bow. At your request, we will add a small card with your name and text message for the recipient for free.
❀ Only fresh roses and hydrangea;
❀ Same day delivery (after paying before noon);
❀ Card with your message (for free).
Indulge in the delicate allure of our Pure Love bouquet, meticulously crafted to embody the essence of sincere affection and boundless joy. Comprising a graceful ensemble of hydrangeas delicately intertwined with a scattering of pristine white roses, this bouquet symbolizes the profound depths of love and unwavering commitment.
Our skilled florists handpick each hydrangea, selecting from a palette of blue or lilac hues to create a harmonious composition that captivates the senses. Whether you desire a single hydrangea variety or a medley of colors, our artisans will tailor the arrangement to your preferences, ensuring every petal exudes beauty and grace.
Elegantly ensconced in a pristine white or tranquil blue wrapper and adorned with a vibrant ribbon, the Pure Love bouquet exudes timeless elegance and sophistication. As a token of our appreciation, we offer the option to include a complimentary greeting card personalized with your heartfelt message, adding a personal touch to your gesture of affection.
At Florist Bangkok, we understand the significance of timely delivery, which is why we offer same-day delivery for orders placed before 2 pm, ensuring your expression of love reaches its recipient precisely when it matters most. Experience the epitome of romance and devotion with Pure Love bouquet from our flower shop in Bangkok, a testament to the enduring power of love and happiness.
P. Smith –
The bouquet turned out to be even better than in your picture. Thank you so much for the flowers! The birthday girl was delighted!
Florist-Bangkok –
Thank you very much for your feedback and trust, Khun Peter! We will be happy to complete a new order for you! Keep safe and have a nice day!