Love and Tenderness flower box


This large Love and Tenderness flower box from Florist-Bangkok shop is a perfect gift for someone special in your life. It’s an exquisite blend of blue and white hydrangeas, sunflowers, yellow tulips, white roses, yellow and pink carnations, and large white lilies that come together to form a stunning bouquet. Whether you want to express your love, appreciation, or gratitude, this flower box will definitely do the job. It’s a great gift for occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or even as a “just because” present to brighten someone’s day.

Fresh Flowers;
 Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
 Greeting card with your message (for free).


Our experienced florists at Florist-Bangkok Shop have created this gorgeous flower box with the freshest blooms available in our store. Gentle Romance flower box features a unique blend of blue and white hydrangeas, sunflowers, yellow tulips, white roses, yellow and pink carnations, and large white lilies, each with its own meaning and significance. Hydrangeas symbolize heartfelt emotions and gratitude, sunflowers represent happiness and positivity, tulips convey deep love and passion, roses signify love and admiration, carnations represent admiration and fondness, and lilies symbolize purity and innocence.

This flower box is a perfect gift for someone you care about deeply, whether it’s a friend, family member, or romantic partner. It’s also an ideal present for special occasions like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or a wedding anniversary. Our florists have included a special water oasis in the box, making it easy for the recipient to care for the flowers by simply adding water occasionally. Plus, if you place your order before noon, we offer same-day flower delivery in Bangkok, along with a free greeting card to add a personal touch to your gift.


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