The Vivid Bouquet


The Vivid Bouquet, carefully crafted by our skilled florists at Florist-Bangkok, is a radiant burst of emotions, ideal for expressing deep affection and admiration. Comprising at least 21 roses in various captivating shades of pink and pink-orange, combined with the exquisite blue hydrangea and fresh green filler, this bouquet is the embodiment of love’s vibrant palette. Perfect for anniversaries, spontaneous gestures, or surprising a cherished individual for no particular reason, this striking creation comes elegantly wrapped in vibrant paper with satin ribbon, accompanied by a personalized greeting card. It’s the perfect choice for those who appreciate the profound language of flowers.

Fresh Premium Roses;
Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
Greeting card with your message (for free).


At Florist-Bangkok, we proudly present the Vivid Bouquet, a floral masterpiece that captures the essence of love, admiration, and affection. This bouquet boasts a captivating blend of pink and pink-orange roses, symbolizing gratitude, passion, and grace. The dynamic fusion of these colors conveys a burning desire and intense love, making it a profound gesture for your beloved. The inclusion of the exquisite blue hydrangea, known for representing heartfelt emotion and understanding, adds a touch of serenity to the bouquet, enhancing the spectrum of emotions it represents.

For a personal touch, we offer same-day flower delivery in Bangkok, contingent upon agreement with the recipient. Following delivery, we’ll send a confirmation photo to make your gift even more memorable. Please note that depending on the season and batch of flowers, the shades of rosebuds may differ from those shown in the product photo, ensuring each bouquet is a unique work of art.


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