Yellow Lilies Bouquet


Magnificent bouquet of yellow lilies from Florist-Bangkok. Such a bouquet will be a great gift for men and women in Bangkok, because yellow lilies – like other yellow flowers in Asia – are used to wish health, luck and wealth.  Florists in our shop in Bangkok use large fresh yellow lilies, in which some of the flowers are still not opened. To make the bouquet of lilies even more voluminous and vibrant, seasonal green filler can be added to the bouquet. The yellow lilies will be decorated with a bright wrapper and colored ribbon.

❀ Large and fresh flowers;
Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
Greeting card with your message (for free).


Magnificent bouquet of yellow lilies from Florist-Bangkok. Such a bouquet will be a great gift for men and women in Bangkok, because yellow lilies – like other yellow flowers in Asia – are used to wish health, luck and wealth. You can give a bouquet of yellow lilies to a girlfriend or wife, but traditionally, yellow lilies are more of a friendly gift than a romantic one. Therefore, you can use this bouquet to congratulate a relative, colleague or boss on a birthday, anniversary, as a gift of thanks or as a wish of a speedy recovery. Florists in our shop in Bangkok use large fresh yellow lilies, in which some of the flowers are still not opened. This means that your bouquet of yellow lilies will delight the recipient for a long time and remind of your attention and care. To make the bouquet of lilies even more voluminous and vibrant, seasonal green filler can be added to the bouquet. The yellow lilies will be decorated with a bright wrapper and colored ribbon. The cost of the bouquet includes a greeting card with your message to the recipient. Same day flower delivery in Bangkok is possible if the order is paid before 2 pm local time (GMT +7).


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