15 Red Roses Bouquet

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


Beautiful bouquet of 15 premium red roses. Your true love and endless passion – all these feelings show such a bouquet of gorgeous red roses. You can be sure that the recipient of such a bouquet will be truly happy and grateful for such a gift. Fresh roses with large bright red buds and long stems are used to create a bouquet. In the process of creating a bouquet of 15 red roses, our experienced florists add seasonal flowers and green leaves. Also, the bouquet will be decorated with gift wrap and a bright ribbon to create an even greater festive mood.

Large premium roses;
Same day delivery (after paying before 3 pm);
Greeting card with your message (for free).


Beautiful bouquet of 15 premium red roses. Your true love and endless passion – all these feelings show such a bouquet of gorgeous red roses. You can be sure that the recipient of such a bouquet will be truly happy and grateful for such a gift. Fresh roses with large bright red buds and long stems are used to create a bouquet. In the process of creating a bouquet of 15 red roses, our experienced florists add seasonal flowers and green leaves. Also, the bouquet will be decorated with gift wrap and a bright ribbon to create an even greater festive mood. Any design of the bouquet is possible according to your desire.. Same day flower delivery is possible when ordering and paying before noon. Fast shipping in Bangkok and flower delivery to 3 neighboring provinces at a minimum price. Also, the price of the bouquet includes a small card with your words and your name. The length of red roses (70 cm) will be slightly reduced during the design of the bouquet.

1 review for 15 Red Roses Bouquet

  1. 5 out of 5


    This is not the first time I have ordered a bouquet of 15 roses for my girlfriend, in various flower shops in Bangkok. But your bouquet turned out to be the most beautiful at the lowest price. It is surprising!

    • Florist-Bangkok

      Thank you for your feedback, Adam. This is our work and we always try to do it with the highest quality. We will be happy to complete a new order for you at any time.

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