18 Red Roses (Valentine’s day)


Bouquet of 18 premium red roses from Florist-Bangkok. Another popular bouquet for Valentine’s Day, because 18 red roses symbolize not only love and passion, but also the great value of your relationship. To a love bouquet of 18 large imported roses, our florist will add gypsophila or statice as a seasonal green filler, which will make this large bouquet even more bright and festive. The price of the bouquet includes 18 fresh large red roses with green filler, a gift wrap with a bright ribbon and a greeting card with your message for your loved one. Roses delivery in Bangkok and neighboring provinces from February 11 to February 16 (please indicate the correct delivery date in the calendar).

SKU: 18RRVAL Category:


Introducing our exquisite Bouquet of 18 Premium Red Roses, a captivating creation from Florist-Bangkok that perfectly encapsulates the essence of love and passion. This enchanting bouquet, renowned as one of our most sought-after selections for Valentine’s Day, serves as a testament to the profound value of your relationship. Each bouquet is meticulously crafted with 20 large, premium red roses sourced from the finest growers. Symbolizing deep love and intense passion, these stunning roses are carefully arranged by our skilled florists to create a visual masterpiece that speaks volumes about the emotions you wish to convey.

To enhance the allure of this romantic ensemble, our florists artfully incorporate seasonal green fillers such as gypsophila or statice. These vibrant additions not only complement the rich red hues of the roses but also infuse the bouquet with a bright and festive ambiance, making it a truly unforgettable gift. The package includes not only the 18 fresh, large red roses and the seasonal green filler but also a stylish gift wrap adorned with a bright ribbon, adding an extra layer of sophistication to your heartfelt gesture. Additionally, a special greeting card accompanies the bouquet, allowing you to express your emotions and sentiments with a personalized message to your beloved.

Our roses are available for delivery in Bangkok and neighboring provinces exclusively from February 11 to February 16. Please ensure to specify the correct delivery date in the calendar to guarantee the timely arrival of this breathtaking bouquet, making your Valentine’s Day celebration even more memorable. Choose the Bouquet of 18 Premium Red Roses from Florist-Bangkok flower shop to convey the depth of your love and appreciation. Let the language of flowers speak volumes on this special occasion, creating cherished memories that will be etched in your hearts forever.


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