6 Sunflowers Bouquet


A bouquet of six vibrant sunflowers from Florist-Bangkok is the perfect gift for someone who radiates positivity and joy. These sunny blooms represent loyalty, adoration, and lasting happiness, making them an excellent present for someone you cherish deeply. The bouquet comes with lush green fillers and a festive wrap tied with a ribbon, making it a thoughtful and visually stunning gift. Sunflowers are known for their ability to brighten up any room and bring a smile to someone’s face. A bouquet of sunflowers is perfect for any occasion, whether you want to say thank you, express your love, or wish someone a speedy recovery.

Only fresh flowers;
Same day delivery (after paying before noon);
 Greeting card with your message (for free).


A bouquet of six sunflowers from Florist-Bangkok is not just a beautiful present; it also carries a significant meaning. In the language of flowers, sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and strength. Six sunflowers, in particular, represent admiration, respect, and a deep connection between two individuals. Our experienced florists carefully select the freshest sunflowers, which can vary in color from bright yellow to light orange, depending on the season and the batch of flowers.

In Thailand, the color yellow represents health, wealth, and success, making a bouquet of sunflowers an excellent gift for a variety of occasions. If you know someone who is sick, a bouquet of sunflowers can bring warmth and joy to their recovery. Additionally, you can present the bouquet to your colleagues or boss to express your admiration and respect for their hard work and success.

At Florist-Bangkok, we pride ourselves on providing only the freshest flowers and exceptional customer service. We offer same-day delivery in Bangkok if you place your order before noon and a free greeting card to include a personalized message. Give the gift of happiness, warmth, health, wealth, and success with our bouquet of six sunflowers today!

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