Forever Young bouquet (18 Red Roses)


The Forever Young bouquet from Florist-Bangkok is the perfect gift for anyone looking to express their love and admiration for someone special. This beautiful bouquet contains 18 premium red roses, accompanied by round eucalyptus leaves, white gypsophila, statice, or other seasonal green plants, creating a stunning combination of colors and textures. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to show someone you care, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. The price includes fresh flowers, a beautiful gift wrapper with a bright ribbon, and a postcard with a personalized message for the recipient. Trust the experts at our flower shop in Bangkok to help you make the perfect gesture with this gorgeous bouquet.

Fresh Flowers;
 Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
 Greeting card with your message (for free).


Red roses are the ultimate symbol of love and passion, and the Forever Young bouquet from Florist-Bangkok is no exception. Our experienced florists carefully select and arrange 18 premium imported roses to create a stunning visual display that is sure to impress. In addition to being a symbol of good luck and prosperity, 18 roses in a bouquet also represent a wish for eternal youth. The number 18 is associated with the idea of staying young forever, making the Forever Young bouquet from Florist-Bangkok a thoughtful gift for anyone looking to express their desire for the recipient to remain youthful and vibrant. Our experienced florists take great care in selecting and arranging each individual rose, ensuring that the bouquet is not only visually stunning but also carries a deep and meaningful message.

With our convenient delivery service, you can send this gorgeous bouquet to anyone in Bangkok, the suburbs, or neighboring provinces, and make their day extra special. If you order before 2 pm, we can even deliver the same day. As an added bonus, we offer a free greeting card with every order, so you can write a personalized message to the recipient. Trust the experts at Florist-Bangkok to deliver fresh, beautiful flowers to your loved ones. Send flowers to Bangkok today and make someone’s day extra special.


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