Money Bouquet 10 000 THB (2 days)
A money bouquet from Florist-Bangkok is the perfect gift for a Thai girl, regardless of the occasion. Whether it’s her birthday, a gesture of gratitude, or a token of support, this unique bouquet will surely bring a smile to her face. The bouquet features 10 premium white roses, symbolizing purity and elegance, accompanied by 100 banknotes of 100 baht, meticulously arranged and individually packaged. Between the rows of banknotes and the delicate white roses, you’ll find delicate white gypsophiles, adding an extra touch of charm. This cash bouquet not only showcases your thoughtfulness but also serves as a beautiful and desirable gift. With each banknote representing your care, it’s a gesture that will leave a lasting impression on the recipient.
In Thailand, cash gifts hold great significance as they are seen as an expression of care and concern. And when it comes to making a statement, nothing can compare to the grandeur of a cash bouquet from Florist-Bangkok. This impressive bouquet requires meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, taking a dedicated team two days to create. Obtaining 100 new banknotes from the bank ensures that each 100-baht note in the bouquet is pristine and perfect. The bouquet itself is a sight to behold, featuring 10 premium white roses representing purity and grace, carefully intertwined with white gypsophiles, creating a harmonious blend of colors and textures.
The size of the bouquet is truly awe-inspiring, as can be seen in the product gallery. To ensure the safe delivery of this extraordinary gift, we personally handle the transportation with our own car, providing an added level of care and reliability. Please note that this particular order requires a lead time of 2 days and cannot be delivered on the same day. When you choose to send flowers to Bangkok, this cash bouquet will undoubtedly make a lasting impression, leaving the recipient feeling truly cherished and valued.
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