Money Bouquet 20 000 THB (2 days)


Celebrate a special occasion or surprise your loved one with a unique and beautiful money bouquet from Florist-Bangkok. This stunning arrangement features 10 Money Roses meticulously crafted from 20 banknotes of 1000 Thai baht. Money roses are surrounded by fresh flowers in white, pink or orange and fresh green filler. This gives the bouquet the most original look and presentability. A large and expensive cash bouquet – for a special occasion or for a special person in your life. The perfect birthday or anniversary gift, a good way to thank someone and show your genuine concern. Please note that it takes approximately 2 days to create this cash gift.


In Thailand, presenting a cash bouquet is a cherished tradition. Whether it’s a birthday, a gesture of gratitude, a show of support, or even an apology, a money bouquet is always an exquisite gift for a Thai girl. It signifies your thoughtfulness and demonstrates your desire to make her feel special. Rest assured that this unique present will be a delightful surprise, showcasing your affection and appreciation.

The price of this remarkable money bouquet includes a beautiful gift wrap adorned with an elegant ribbon, the sum of 20,000 baht in crisp banknotes, the fresh flowers and green filler, and a thoughtful greeting card. Please note that due to the meticulous craftsmanship required, this bouquet necessitates a lead time about 2 days. Our Flower Shop in Bangkok  have to obtain 20 new 1000 THB banknotes from the bank to create this bouquet’s best appearance. Additionally, considering the bouquet’s significant value, we provide special delivery by our own car, ensuring a safe and secure arrival of this extraordinary gift. Delivery of a money bouquet is possible in all districts of Bangkok, the suburbs of the Thai capital, as well as in some neighboring provinces.


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