Money Bouquet 5 000 THB (2 days)


Give the perfect gift to a Thai girl with our stunning money bouquet from Florist-Bangkok. This unique bouquet features 5000 Thai baht, presented as 50 banknotes of 100 baht, each transformed into a charming pink flower with delicate white gypsophila at its center. Not only is this money bouquet visually appealing, but it also conveys your care and thoughtfulness. Whether it’s for a birthday, a gesture of gratitude, or a show of support, rest assured that this gift will pleasantly surprise any recipient, making it a truly special present.

Fresh Flowers;
New banknotes;
 Greeting card with your message (for free).


In Thailand, monetary gifts hold a significant meaning of care and consideration, making our money bouquet from Florist-Bangkok a remarkable choice. This impressive bouquet requires meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, taking two days to create. To ensure its magnificence, we procure 50 fresh banknotes from the bank, transforming each one into a lifelike pink flower adorned with exquisite white gypsophila at the center. The bouquet’s remarkable size and beauty make a lasting impression, which you can witness in the product gallery. Please note that due to the intricate process, this bouquet requires advance notice and cannot be delivered on the same day. To ensure a safe and timely delivery, we personally deliver the bouquet using our own car, providing the utmost care and attention to every detail. Send flowers to Bangkok with our cash bouquet, complete with fresh gypsophila, 5000 Thai baht, a vibrant gift wrap, and a personalized greeting card to convey your heartfelt message.


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