My Sunshine Bouquet


The My Sunshine Bouquet from Florist-Bangkok shop is the perfect way to brighten someone’s day with its fresh yellow tulips, yellow and cream roses, a sunflower, other yellow flowers and seasonal green filler. The sunny yellow color of these flowers is a symbol of success, health, and wealth in Thailand, making this bouquet an ideal gift for anyone who needs a little extra sunshine in their life. Whether you’re looking to congratulate a friend on a job well done or simply want to bring a smile to someone’s face, the My Sunshine Bouquet is sure to do the trick.

Fresh Flowers;
 Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
 Greeting card with your message (for free).


The My Sunshine Bouquet from Florist-Bangkok Flower Shop is a stunning arrangement of fresh yellow tulips, yellow and cream roses, a sunflower, yellow eustoma (or other extra flowers with yellow color) and seasonal green filling such as round eucalyptus leaves. Each flower in this bouquet carries its own special meaning, making it a thoughtful and meaningful gift for a variety of occasions. Yellow tulips are associated with cheerfulness and joy, while yellow roses symbolize friendship and caring. Cream roses are often given as a symbol of charm and thoughtfulness, while sunflowers represent adoration and loyalty.

At Florist-Bangkok Flower Shop, we take great care to ensure that each bouquet is expertly arranged by our experienced florists, and that all of our flowers are fresh and of the highest quality. We offer same-day flower delivery in Bangkok for orders placed before noon, making it easy to send a thoughtful gift at a moment’s notice. Each bouquet also comes with a free greeting card, allowing you to personalize your message and make your gift even more special. Whether you’re looking to brighten someone’s day or celebrate a special occasion, the My Sunshine Bouquet is a perfect choice.


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