9 Red Roses (Valentine’s day)


Bouquet of 9 premium red roses from Florist-Bangkok. The perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, because 9 roses always symbolize eternal love. In addition, in Thai numerology the number 9 is considered the luckiest number. Our florist will add white gypsophila flowers or statice branches to 9 large red roses, which will make this bouquet more voluminous and bright. The price of the bouquet includes a gift wrapper with a bright ribbon and a greeting card with your message for your beloved one. Bouquet delivery in Bangkok and neighboring provinces from February 11 to February 16 (please indicate the correct delivery date in the calendar below).

SKU: 9RRVAL Category:


Celebrate the magic of love with our captivating Bouquet of 9 Premium Red Roses from Florist-Bangkok. As Valentine’s Day approaches, immerse yourself in the symbolism and beauty of this stunning arrangement, meticulously crafted to convey eternal love and good fortune. Nine premium red roses take center stage in this enchanting bouquet, each bloom radiating passion, romance, and unwavering devotion. In the language of flowers, nine roses symbolize eternal love, making this bouquet an ideal expression of your deepest affection for your beloved.

In Thai numerology, the number nine holds profound significance, representing luck, auspiciousness, and the fulfillment of desires. By gifting this bouquet, you not only declare your love but also bestow blessings of good fortune upon your cherished recipient, adding an extra layer of meaning and symbolism to your heartfelt gesture. To enhance the allure of this romantic arrangement, our skilled florists expertly incorporate delicate white gypsophila flowers or round eucalyptus leaves, adding depth, texture, and a touch of whimsy to the bouquet. These exquisite accents not only complement the vibrant red roses but also infuse the arrangement with a sense of vitality and charm, creating a mesmerizing display that captures the essence of true love.

Every detail is thoughtfully curated to ensure a memorable gifting experience. The bouquet is elegantly presented in a luxurious gift wrapper, adorned with a bright ribbon that exudes sophistication and style. Additionally, a heartfelt greeting card is included, allowing you to convey your deepest emotions and sentiments to your beloved in words as beautiful as the blooms themselves. With our reliable bouquet delivery service in Bangkok and neighboring provinces, you can rest assured that your gesture of love will be delivered with care and precision, ensuring that your special someone feels cherished and appreciated on this momentous occasion.

Embrace the power of flowers to ignite passion, kindle romance, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Order your Bouquet of 9 Premium Red Roses today and let your love bloom in all its splendor, bringing joy, happiness, and good fortune to the one who holds your heart.


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