Pink Perfection flower box (XL)


A large flower box filled with two types of premium pink roses, white or soft pink hydrangea, a few pink carnations, pink lilies, and pink gerberas from Florist-Bangkok shop is a perfect gift for someone special for you. Whether it’s for a romantic partner, a close friend, or a family member, this bouquet is sure to make them feel loved and appreciated. The beautiful arrangement of these pink flowers is a symbol of affection, gratitude, and happiness.

Fresh Flowers;
 Same day delivery (after paying before 2 pm);
 Greeting card with your message (for free).


This large gift flower box Pink Perfection from Florist-Bangkok is a stunning arrangement of pink roses, white or soft pink hydrangea, pink lilies, a few pink carnations, and pink gerberas. Pink roses are a symbol of love, admiration, and gratitude, making them a popular choice for romantic occasions or to express appreciation for someone special. White or soft pink hydrangeas represent grace and elegance, while pink lilies convey purity and devotion. Pink carnations are often associated with motherly love, and pink gerberas are a symbol of joy and cheerfulness.

Our experienced florists carefully handpick each flower, ensuring that only the freshest and highest quality blooms are used in the arrangement. This bouquet is a perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just to show someone you care. The bouquet comes in a large gift flower box, making it a luxurious and impressive gift. We offer delivery on the same day flower delivery in Bangkok for orders placed before noon. Additionally, we provide a free greeting card, so you can add a personal message to your gift. Order now and surprise your loved ones with this beautiful and meaningful bouquet from Florist-Bangkok.


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